
Jun 2024   🗣️ present at MFPS 2024 in Oxford, UK
Jun 2024   📘 publish Amortized Analysis via Coalgebra at MFPS 2024
May 2024   🧑‍🏫 teach Principles of Functional Programming summer semester
Apr 2024   🏆 receive an Honorable Mention for the Jane Street Graduate Research Fellowship
Apr 2024   📝 publish a preprint about viewing amortized analysis coalgebraically
Feb 2024   👥 attend Poly at Work in Berkeley, CA
Jan 2024   🗣️ present at POPL 2024 in London, UK
Jan 2024   🧑‍🏫 develop Advanced Topics in Foundations of Programming Languages
Jan 2024   📘 publish Decalf: A Directed, Effectful Cost-Aware Logical Framework at POPL 2024
Jan 2024   📃 publish a post about effect handlers on the Topos Institute blog
Dec 2023   👥 attend Jane Street Programming Languages Colloquium in New York City, NY
Sep 2023   📝 publish a preprint about verifying joinable red-black trees in calf
Sep 2023   📘 publish Amortized Analysis via Coinduction at CALCO 2023
Aug 2023   👥 attend FRA3 in Berkeley, CA
Jul 2023   👥 attend ACT 2023 at the University of Maryland
Jul 2023   📝 publish a preprint about directed type theory for ergonomic cost analysis in calf
Jun 2023   🗣️ present at CALCO/MFPS 2023 at Indiana University Bloomington
Jun 2023   💼 start work as a 2023 Summer Research Associate at the Topos Institute
May 2023   👥 attend HoTT 2023 at Carnegie Mellon University
May 2023   🗣️ present at NJPLS at the University of Pennsylvania
Apr 2023   🗣️ give a talk at CMU PLunch: Coinduction and Amortized Analysis
Mar 2023   📝 publish a preprint about amortized analysis via coinduction in calf
Feb 2023   🗣️ give a talk at CMU PLunch: Monads, Comonads, and Algebraic Effects
Jan 2023   👥 attend POPL 2023 in Boston, MA
Jan 2023   📃 publish a post about domain theory on the Topos Institute blog
Aug 2022   🧑‍💻 start my PhD in the Computer Science Department at Carnegie Mellon University
Jun 2022   💼 start work as a 2022 Summer Research Associate at the Topos Institute
May 2022   🎓 complete my undergraduate degree at Carnegie Mellon University
Apr 2022   🏆 receive the Mark Stehlik Introductory and Service Teaching Award
Jan 2022   📘 publish A Cost-Aware Logical Framework at POPL 2022