Harrison Grodin


I’m a Ph.D. student in the Computer Science Department at Carnegie Mellon University, advised by Robert Harper. My primary interests are programming languages, type theory, category theory, and logic.

I completed my undergraduate degree at Carnegie Mellon University in the School of Computer Science, with a major in Computer Science and an additional major in Logic and Computation, in the spring of 2022.


Jun 2024   🗣️ present at MFPS 2024 in Oxford, UK
Jun 2024   📘 publish Amortized Analysis via Coalgebra at MFPS 2024
May 2024   🧑‍🏫 teach Principles of Functional Programming summer semester
Apr 2024   🏆 receive an Honorable Mention for the Jane Street Graduate Research Fellowship
Apr 2024   📝 publish a preprint about viewing amortized analysis coalgebraically

selected publications

  1. Amortized Analysis via Coalgebra
    Harrison Grodin and Robert Harper
    Mathematical Foundations of Programming Semantics, Jun 2024
  2. Decalf: A Directed, Effectful Cost-Aware Logical Framework
    Harrison GrodinYue NiuJonathan Sterling, and Robert Harper
    Proceedings of the ACM on Programming Languages, Jan 2024
  3. A Cost-Aware Logical Framework
    Yue NiuJonathan SterlingHarrison Grodin, and Robert Harper
    Proceedings of the ACM on Programming Languages, Jan 2022